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Gym Instructor and Personal Training
Gym Instructor
- anatomy and physiology including:
- the heart and circulatory system
- the respiratory system
- structure and function of the skeleton
- musculoskeletal system
- postural and core stability
- the nervous and energy systems and their relation to exercise
- how to maintain health, safety and welfare in a variety of fitness environments, including the safeguarding of children and vulnerable adults
- how to programme safe and effective exercise for a range of clients, the health benefits of physical activity and the importance of healthy eating
- how to communicate with clients effectively, and motivate clients to adhere to an exercise programme
- the skills and knowledge required to plan and prepare a gym-based exercise programme with apparently healthy adults – both individuals and groups. This may include young people in the 14-16 age range, provided they are part of a larger adult group. Client groups also covered are older adults, ante and postnatal clients and disabled clients provided the relevant contraindications and key safety guidelines are observed
Personal Training
- anatomy and physiology including:
- the heart and circulatory system
- the musculoskeletal system
- postural and core stability
- the nervous, endocrine and energy systems and their relation to exercise and health
- how to maintain health, safety and welfare in a variety of fitness environments, including the safeguarding of children and vulnerable adults
- how to programme safe and effective exercise for a range of clients, the health benefits of physical activity and the importance of healthy eating
- how to communicate with clients effectively, and motivate clients to adhere to an exercise programme
- how to apply the principles of nutrition to support client goals as part of an exercise and physical activity programme
- how to design, manage, and adapt a personal training programme with apparently healthy adults of all ages
- how to deliver exercise and physical activity as part of a programme for apparently healthy adults of all ages.
Mentor Led Gym Instructor and Personal Training package is delivered over 16 weeks , with weekly session will last around 2 hours, and will be delivered from the mentor’s facility.
On successful completion of these qualifications you will receive a Active IQ Level 2 Certificate in Gym Instructing & Active IQ Level 3 Diploma in Personal Training which will allow you to apply for entry onto CIMSPA at Level 3. Both these qualifications together will enable you to work as a Personal Trainer.
Level 2 Certificate in Fitness Instructing – Gym based
You are assessed throughout the course by written questions and practical continuous assessment. The final assessments normally take place two weeks after the last day of the course, and they consist of:
Two Multiple choice theory Papers:
1. Anatomy and Physiology, Exercise and Health (Pass mark 35/50)
2. Principles for Exercise, Fitness and Health (Pass mark 23/32)
Practical Assessment:
From a planned programme that is devised by yourself on the course, you will induct a client safely and effectively onto a range of equipment. Afterwards you will evaluate the session.
Level 3 Diploma in Personal Training
Two Multiple choice theory Papers:
1. Applied Anatomy and Physiology for Exercise, Health and Fitness (Pass mark 28/40)
2. The principles of Nutrition and their application to Exercise and Health. (Pass mark 28/40)
Practical Assessment: There are a few modular practical observations for the following areas: Consultation, Personal Training session and Training Techniques.
From a planned programme that is devised by yourself on the course, you will deliver a Personal Training session to an experienced client using a range of Advanced training methods. Afterwards you will evaluate the session.
There are also worksheets and assignments to complete as well as a case study.
Entry Requirements
Learners are required to be 16 years and above to be accepted onto the course. Experience of gym-based exercise, including free weights, is highly recommended.
The course requires physical exertion and individual participation is essential; therefore, a degree of physical fitness is necessary There is also an element of communication (discussing, presenting, reading and writing) involved and learners should have basic skills in communication pitched at level 2.
Progression Routes
Active IQ Level 3 Diploma in Exercise Referral
Active IQ Level 4 Strength and Conditioning