Fitness Training Scotland Course Evaluation Form


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Fitness Training Scotland Course Evaluation Form

Fitness Training Scotland Course Evaluation Form

Please complete the questionnaire by ticking the appropriate response from 1 (very poor) to 5 (excellent)

How do you rate the communication from the FTScotland Office prior to the course commencing?
How do you rate the online sessions of your course?
How do you rate the general structure of the course?
How do you rate the teaching?
How do you rate the course resources, (Manual, Handouts & LAPS)?
How do you rate the practical sessions?
How do you rate the general course facilities and surroundings?
Overall, how do you rate this course?
Would you recommend this course to a friend?

Thank you for completing this evaluation. It will help improve and update our forthcoming courses. If you wish, give your name.

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