Claire Semple
Fitness Training Scotland Tutor and Assessor
My passions
Roller derby! I play for Dundee Roller Derby and the national squad, Team Scotland Roller derby.
Last year we played in the fourth Women’s World Cup where we finished 13, our highest ranking yet. Next up, Scuba diving, I am a qualified Divemaster. I travel to Thailand when funds permit and spend my time diving and helping out with coral and Eco preservation. If I could do either of these every single day I would be the happiest person!
When I am not playing or coaching roller derby, I am involved in the men’s side of the sport. The last four years I have been a Sports Therapist to the Power of Scotland’s Men Roller, where I have, I travelled to three World Cups, July next year we are off to St Louis for our fourth.
Fitness has and always will be a passion in my life. From early beginnings as a gym instructor, to coaching and lecturing in fitness; there are so many avenues to cover in fitness I think I have done them all! Basics are the fundamental, getting that out there and educating everyone of every age to move and be active is something I always encourage.
My main roles within Fitness Training Scotland are:
- Assessing the Certificate in Fitness Instructing – Gym based level 2 qualification
- Delivering the Diploma in Sports Massage Therapy Level 3 qualification
My relevant fitness qualifications for FTS are:
- BSc Sports Biomedicine
- Level 2 Fitness Instructor
- Exercise to Music
- Step Instructor
- Nutrition
- Fitball Instructor
- Diploma Swedish Massage
- Diploma Remedial & Sports Massage
- Assessor Best Practice
- IV Best Practice